Clinic Forms
Sports Physicals vs. Annual Physicals
You may wish to choose a more comprehensive annual physical for this appointment. See details to help you make your decision before scheduling your child's appointment. Parents must still complete the Sports Physical Form prior to both the annual and sports physical appointment. If you choose an ANNUAL physical instead it is more comprehensive and may be covered 100% by your insurance. Please call us with any questions at 308-282-1442.
Sports Physicals
Forms and consent MUST be completed by parent or guardians PRIOR to appointment. Please also check out the letter comparing annual vs. sports physical to evaluate your potential cost savings and more comprehensive appointment. Schedule your sports physical appointment for $25. If you choose an annual physical it may be covered under insurance.
New Patients
Welcome! We appreciate you choosing Gordon Memorial Hospital District and are excited to serve you and your family! Please complete the following form prior to your appointment, or we can provide one at your visit. Do not hesitate to contact us at 308-282-0401 with any questions or concerns.